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10 Question On Salary

by : job Interview
For each suitor, especially for starter must prepare person in facing question – interview in question. Following this question several variations often arise deep interview. ( those connected with the salary )
1. Many your pay dip that long?
2. What is feel less with the salary you receive in company old?
3. Many pay you ask in company we?
4. Our intelligence, for new director suitable pay with standart pay minimum regional , how willing you?
5. For example we only poison give pay $$$..,How?
6. For example in 3 month forward ( time training) we only poison give pay 60% from your full salary, you want?
7. Pay rise in company we happen each year once, how willing you?
8. What you want apart from basic salary?
9. Many pay work outside time, you ask?
10.Many bonus you ask , if target filled up with?


Admin said...

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Gus Sholeh said...

Trimakasih telah berkunjung di ekspresi hati mamaf bahasa inggris sy agak katrok jd ya gitu deh....salam

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